Wellness Made Easy

Lets explore ways the office breakroom can complement and encourage your company’s wellness initiatives.

Workplace wellness

Workplace Wellness

Providing a breakroom for employees to recharge and build connections with their co-workers encourages workplace satisfaction, loyalty, and a sense of community.

Workplace culture

Physical Wellness

Use you breakroom to encourage physical well-being with activities like yoga or guided stretching. Small physical breaks allow employees to return to tasks with renewed creativity and productivity.

Breakroom providers and vending services

Emotional/ Social Wellness

Think of your breakroom as a place for employees to build connections. When employees develop strong emotional relationships with their co-workers, they feel a greater sense of purpose at work. And, in turn, you’ll also see an enhanced workplace culture.

Breakroom services and innovation

Financial Wellness

Offering refreshments in the office keeps employees on-site, saving them money on gas, expensive coffeehouse drinks, and pricey lunches out.

Employee Retention and Acquisition

Increased productivity Employee wellness programs have become a staple in many offices to attract top talent

Less time out sick Keep staff happy and productive

Happier employees Decrease employee turnover

Did you know?

Did you know that many insurance programs subsidize wellness programs in the breakroom? Does yours?

We’ll help you make the right wellness choices.

Did you know that many insurance programs subsidize wellness programs in the breakroom? No matter where your location is, Coolbreakrooms is here to guide you in the process of creating spaces that promote ALL dimensions of wellness. Contact us to start the conversation!

Better breaks, happy employees

Coolbreakrooms is here to guide you in the process of creating spaces that promote ALL dimensions of wellness.  Contact us to start the conversation!